Use of methods that have been extensively tried out during the course of my professional experiences,
at the same time constantly adapting to specific organisational and project needs.
Use of methods that have been extensively tried out during the course of my professional experiences,
at the same time constantly adapting to specific organisational and project needs.
Acoustic Insulation of Buildings
Design and Certification of Acoustic Insulation of buildings in accordance with D.P.C.M. 5/12/1997 and standard UNI EN 12354
Assessment of noise impact and/or climate
Law 477 of 26/10/1995
Acoustic Zoning
Law 477 of 26/10/1995
Fire Prevention
Issue of certification (Legislative decree 139/2006);
Projects drawn up using engineering approach (pursuant to M.D. of 9 May 2007);
Drafting of fire prevention management system document (SGSA - D.M. of 9 May 2007)
Training and Information (customised)
Design, planning, creation of Quality Systems pursuant to the following standards:
UNI EN ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems
UNI EN ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems
UNI CEI ISO/IEC 90003 Software and System Engineering
UNI CEI ISO/IEC 9126-1 Software Engineering – Product Quality
UNI CEI ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management Systems
UNI CEI EN ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems
Consultancy for Inspections in accordance with the following standards:
UNI ISO 19011 Auditing of quality management, environmental management, safety management and energy management systems.
UNI CEI ISO/IEC 17025 Auditing Process for the Laboratory Quality Management System
Lead Auditor for Information Security Management Systems.
Drafting of Risk Assessment document (DVR)
Drafting of Interference Risk assessment document (DVRI)
Drawing up of Operational Safety Plan (POS)
Drawing up of Safety and Coordination
Drawing up of PIMUS (Scaffolding Assembly, Use and Dismantling Plan)
Drawing up of Emergency Plans (PE)
Electromagnetic Compatibility and LPS (Lightning protector) Assessment
Training and Information (Customised)
Measurements (Consolidated Law 81/2008)
Microclimate in moderate, warm, hot and cold environments